A show is the combination of an artist, a place and a time. To create a show, you first have to create artists and places. Once that's done, here is how you can create a show.
ARTIST SHOW [or unique performance]
1. In the Greencopper interface, click on "Shows" in the Content section.
2. Click on "Add a new show".
3. You'll be able to input all information about the show such as the artist performing, the location, time slot, as well as additional info like the price of the show and where to get tickets (if needed).
You can also add tags to your shows. See the section "How to add tags".
Moreover, for a show happening after midnight, here is a little explanation on how it works.
EVENT SHOW [or multiple performances]
1. In the Greencopper interface, click on "Shows" in the Content section.
2. Click on "Add a new show".
For an event show, you must select the "Event" and skip the "Artist" (only one of the 2 must be selected).
3. Add the location, time slot, as well as additional info like the price of the show and where to get tickets (if needed). Save.
4. From the list, return in the event show you newly created, scroll down, "Add a new artists to this show" to add performances.
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