Your festival goer will spend a lot of time on the artist's pages so it's important to create eye-catching pages. Here are 5 tricks to spruce a page up.
1 - Photo dimension: The ideal photo dimension is 640x350. It uses the full span of the page giving you a great artist image as demonstrated on the right.
2 - Audio links
It's important to give to your festival goers a link to listen to his favorite artist. To facilitate the audio integration, you can activate the Spotify Autofill (see more information here) and the CMS will find the top tracks associated to the artist.
You can also integrate Deezer and Soundcloud links to get the native integration.
3 - Description
Be sure to insert a short description of the artist of approximately 150 words. If the user wants to know more, he can click on the links below the description.
4 - Links
You can place up to 6 links below the artist description. We recommend you that you choose:
- Instagram/Facebook
- Twitter
- Spotify channel
- Wikipedia page
5 - Tags
The Tags feature is to organize a program. You can tag to organize your artists through their music style, or paid/free event! You can find more information about tags in the "How to create a tag" section.
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